Hege Tapio

artist / curator / researcher


Is a public commissioned work for Brueland kindergarten in Sandnes.
The work is an interactive installation for the entrance area of the kindergarten and presents a tool for the children to be creative with digital storytelling. The interface allows each children to create a user for making their own digital stories with images, sound and drawings. A tool to upload and communicate all the whimsical moments, stories, songs and thoughts during a day and to share with their parents when they arrive to collect their little loved ones.
The structure also allows the kindergarten teachers to use the storytelling tool actively when they are working on seasonal or thematic projects together with the children.The visual presentation is inspired of the childrens TV series “Balthazar” – the inventor of magical machines.
The project was also inspired from the artist experience as a mother – its not always easy for a small child to remember all those experiences throughout a day away from their parents, – so the intention was to give a digital tool to collect, share and enliven the stories.
The work was commissioned by Rogaland county – completed and installed for use in 2012

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